
Welcome to Digital Insider! 

I am delighted that you could join me on this journey. Currently, I am a graduate student at West Virginia University, where I am learning about the fascinating world of Integrated Marketing Communication. 
This blog will explore the role and impact of Web Analytics, Social Advertising and SEO/SEM in online marketing. I will include tips on how marketers can best employ metrics to give the companies they represent a competitive advantage. I learn best with examples, thus I will be sure to incorporate examples of how companies are using Web Metrics & SEO to create awareness and increase their bottom line.  If you adore analytics, you will feel right at home. 

I possess a degree in Tourism & Hospitality Management as well as a Graduate certificate in Sales, Marketing & Account Management. My current job allows me the opportunity to design and come up with marketing campaigns, and also to be on the frontline in selling my company's products and services to prospects. Personally, I am still learning but I would love the opportunity to share the things I discover with you. 

If you like what you see, don’t forget to subscribe, so you will always be made aware of when a new post goes live. 

Till next time! 

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